275 582
2 509
blog posts
504 photographed species of 528 (95%)
found 28 new species for Kazakhstan


birdwatching blogs

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Visit Malik's village for the Little Bustard. Day 2.

2013-05-26 | Askar Isabekov

Night was with rain, morning is overcast. But already when we had breakfast (many thanks Malik and Kuralai) the sun appeared. So we went to the nests of Little Bustards with the perfect weather. Grass after rain was wet and my shoes became fully wet too with my first steps on field. Malik marked the nests found in fields by the stick, stuck into the ground (he calls it “my GPS”). But it’s impossible to view the nest even staying directly near Malik’s “GPS”, because nest is covered by the high grass. But Malik finds the nests by himself method (it’s secret to me how he do it) and begins the shamanic ritual of opening of bird. Malik very carefully clean up grass from the female sitting on nest. Malik said if you don’t touch bird by stick, bird don’t flush but continues to sit on nest. It’s really true, we saw how Malik almost full opens Bustard but bird only watch to the humans staying at one meter from nest. Fantastic! Then Malik carefully covered bird on nest by grass [...... read more ]

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Visit Malik's village for the Little Bustard. Day 1.

2013-05-25 | Askar Isabekov

Trip with Gennady and Elena Dyakins to visit Malik’s village for watching the Little and Great Bustards. Day was cloudy during all road. We departed Almaty at 7.00 am, and decided to stop only near the nest of White Strok or in case of very significant record, because road is long. Before the bridge over th Chu river we didn’t see any extra interesting birds, also we didn’t notice some birds from the list of common birds, such as Eurasian Bee-eaters, Long-legged Buzzards. This two species became rare recent two years. Probably Bee-eaters were rare due to building of many brick factories which use the clay from the ravines. It’s only suggestions but the absence of bee-eaters is fact. After the Chu bridge we noticed the couple of Spoonbills flying cross the road in direction of Tasukol reservoir. Unfortunately we can’t take photos. We made stop to lunch near the nest of White Stork. There were one adult Stork (probably female) and 4 chicks. We didn’t approach close to nest but [...... read more ]

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Пожар у колонии бакланов на Сорбулаке

2013-05-24 | Vassiliy Fedorenko

Заехали сегодня по пути на Сорбулак. Подъехав ближе к лесополосе, увидели вот такую картину. [...... read more ]

В поисках дрофы.

2013-05-23 | Malik Nukusbekov

До сегодняшнего дня я не уверен был на счет дрофы. Я думал они залетные, сегодня с утра снова пошел искать их, увидел трех птиц, но издалека. Мне показалось, что все трое самцы. Самки уже сидят на яйце. Гнезда искал, не нашел. Трава высокая и густая, сидящие дрофы незаметны, их видно только на лету. Птица которая сидит на яйцах, пока ее не трогаешь, с кладки не сойдет. На обратном пути пошел проведать первое гнездо стрепета, птица давно на яйцах сидит. Даже не боится меня, плотно сидит на кладке. [...... read more ]

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Almaty. City Kite.

2013-05-23 | Askar Isabekov

Yesterday I saw Black kite from the window in my office (Temiryazeva - Aimanova crossroad). Before yesterday I saw it twice in April. Raufael Bairashev saw it in this area too. Black kite in the center of the city in summer time is uncommon record. Probably it nests here and finds food in dumps? [...... read more ]


2013-05-22 | Vassiliy Fedorenko

День ясный, без облачка. Утром холодина, на заправке градусник показывал +5. В 6 утра уже был там. Савки на месте, но немного изменили местоположение и где искать их гнездо непонятно. Ну в итоге я его так и не нашёл. У большинства черношейных поганок уже птенцы разных возрастов, а вот чомги, судя по всему, только начинают гнездование. Лысухи пока тоже только насиживают. А у чаек приплод уже носится по камышам, но попалось и гнездо с яйцом. По берегу ходят ходулочники, щеголи и белохвостики. Последние абсолютно игнорируют лодку. Над озером по всему небу [...... read more ]

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Третье гнездо стрепета.

2013-05-22 | Malik Nukusbekov

Чабаны позвонили - в предгорьях видели семь фазанов. Сегодня пошел искать их, одного самца видел но издалека. Фазан для наших местность редкость и новость. На обратном пути нашел еще одно гнездо стрепета. Вокруг гнезда два самца кружится. Теперь буду сравнивать три гнезда друг с другом. Сколько яиц будет, первые птенцы когда будут. [...... read more ]

Второе гнездо стрепета.

2013-05-21 | Malik Nukusbekov

Два дня шел сильный дождь,сегодня после обеда потеплело. Пошел искать гнездо стрепета - нашел, в гнезде пять яиц. В этом году они запоздали, в прошлом году 29-мая уже птенцы были. В сегодняшнем гнезде первое яйцо было 13-мая. Еще неизвестно в кладке сколько яиц будет. Сегодня только пятое самка снесла. Первое гнездо после десятого не смотрел, сколько там яиц - не знаю, наверное самка уже сидит на кладке. [...... read more ]

In floodlands on Ile river, in Bakanas vicinity.

2013-05-19 | Askar Isabekov

Two-days trip to Ile river floodland to picnic with friends. 18th of May was sunny before midday, but evening was cloudy and even overcast. 19th of May was sunless with the little rain in evening. Because the picnic was the main target of trip, birding was in background; but Gennady and I tried to pay attention to birds any time. During the Kapchagai road we saw Hobbies, Orioles, flock of Demoiselle Cranes, hoopoes etc. We made first stop near the ravine where are Rollers, Kestrels, Jackdaws and Little Owl nest. Owl was not found but other birds were not so significant to us. The next stop was near the single tree on the Malay-Sary pass. As usually the single tree is full of birds; we saw couple of Hobbies, three chicks of Carrion Crow in the nest, about ten Spotted Flycatcher, two Common Redstarts, Hume’s Warblers, Barred Warbler and probably some other birds.During the long staying near Bura village we didn’t see a lot of birds, perhaps due to heat or off-season time. Twice we noticed [...... read more ]

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To Kaskelen in search of buntings

2013-05-19 | Sanzhar Abdikhalyk

В воскресенье, 19 мая, вместе с Мадиной Дюсебаевой решили проехаться в Каскелен в поисках овсянок. Мне были особенно интересны красноухие, а Мадина очень хотела сфотографировать белошапочных. В любом случае - такой был план ). Несмотря на капризы погоды, выехали в семь утра и первыми птицами дня стали золотистые щурки, сидящие на проводах в поселке Калинина. В поселке Мичурина, и дальше до развилки - иволги выдавали свою мелодичную флейтовую напевку и перелетали в кронах. Фоновый вид этих поселков - кольчатые горлицы уже начинали ворковать, [...... read more ]

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rare birds records

Naumann's Thrush (Turdus naumanni)

© Alexey Timoshenko
kostanay reg.

The second record of the species on the territory of Kazakhstan. Previously, one bird was photographed in the southeast in the lower reaches of the Turgen River on November 5, 2016 (I. Bevza, kz.birds.watch).

Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)

© Muhammed-Rahim Boranbaev
Tasorpa, Kyzylsay natural park, Mangystau

A very rare wintering species for Mangystau, known only from the remains of the skin obtained from the vicinity of Fort Aleksandrovsky in 1892/93. (Zarudny, 1896).

Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus)

© Galina Rosenberg
g.Altai.Vostochno-Kazachstanskaia oblast

The first registration of the species in the mountainous part of Altai.

White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis)

© Serg Silan

The first record of the White-winged Snowfinch in Western Altai. Photo recording was made in the southern spurs of the Ulbinsky ridge in the valley of the Urankhaika River at an altitude of less than 800 m above sea level. The White-winged Snowfinch was previously not known for the Kazakh part of Altai, but was first recorded in Southern Altai on January 26, 2017 in the upper reaches of the Tautekeli River at an altitude of 2400 m, where it was subsequently recorded on March 10, 2021, and there were also several sightings in January and February 2023 in the Sarykora tract (Vorobiev, 2023).

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unidentified birds


Никита Канунников: Кеклик, тут без вариантов.


Андрей Коваленко: Зяблик.


Андрей Коваленко: Степной орел.


Андрей Коваленко: Горный.

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