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rare birds records

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White-crowned Penduline Tit (Remiz coronatus)

© Gennadiy Dyakin

Almaty region, Bayserke

The rare record of wintering of the White-crowned Penduline Tit

Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea melanope)

© Askar Isabekov

Almaty. Big Almaty river.

The second winter record of The Grey Wagtail. The first one was on January 6th,1986 (Korelov, Gubin, Levin, 1988). The Grey Wagtails start to migrate in September. The latest migrants were observed until the middle of October.

Brandt's Rosefinch (Leucosticte brandti margaritacea)

© Vladimir Vorobyov

VKO Katon-Karagay.

The first photography of the bird of this subspecies and the fourth record in Kazakhstan. Since the previous records more than one hundred years have passed. No breeding records in the Kazakhstan part of Altai. The nearest breeding spots there are in the North Chu Ridge on Russian territory, in 150 km to the north-east of the place of this record. Once catched in the winter in the area of Katon-Karagai. Apparently this subspecies was described in 1904 by this specimen. The nesting of this taxon was supposed in Saur, where it was recorded in summertime of 1904 by P.P Sushkin and in 1907 by V.A.Khakhlov (Dementiev, 1937, Kovshar, 1974, Gavrilov, 1999). No new records reported up to the present time (Starikov, 2006).

Гаврилов Э.И. Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана. Алматы, 1999. 198 с. Дементьев Г.П. Птицы СССР. Воробьиные М. Л., 1937. 334 с. Ковшарь А.Ф. Род горный вьюрок. Птицы Казахстана. т. 5. Алма-Ата, 1974. С 344-362. Стариков С.В. Аннотированный список птиц Катон-Карагайского национального парка и прилегающих территорий Алтая//Труды Катон-Карагайского национального парка. Т. 1. Усть-Каменогорск, 2006. С. 147-241.

Godlewski's Bunting (Emberiza godlewskii godlewskii)

© Vladimir Vorobyov

VKO Katon-Karagay

The rare wintering species at the Bukhtarma Valley. The fourth winter record of the species at these places. The previous records: on February 10, 1978 in the area of Berel village (B.V Shcherbakov), in February 2006 at Beloye village (SV Starikov), in November 25, 2015 in Katon-Karagai (V. Vorobiev, www.birds.kz). There were also two records during the autumn dispersing in the Bukhtarma Valley on September 14, 2002 (Starikov, Prokopov, 2006) and on October 6, 2007 at the Burkhat Pass (Starikov, 2008)

Стариков С.В. Аннотированный список птиц Катон-Карагайского национального парка и прилегающих территорий Алтая//Труды Катон-Карагайского национального парка. Т. 1. Усть-Каменогорск, 2006. С. 147-241. Стариков С.В. Орнитологические исследования в Катон-Карагайском национальном парке в 2007 г.//Казахстанский орнитологический бюллетень 2007. Алматы, 2008. С. 94-97. Стариков С.В., Прокопов П.К. Экспедиции. Южный Алтай//Казахстанский орнитологический бюллетень 2002. Алматы, 2002. С. 39-41.

Rustic Bunting (Emberiza rustica)

© Alexandr Belyaev

JUzhnoe Pribalhash'e p. Akdala

The rare passage mogrant, known by the some number of records in the plain Semirechye (Gavrilov, 1999). In January 2015, for the first time recorded on the wintering near Taldykorgan (A.Belyaev, www.brds.kz)

Гаврилов Э.И. Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана. Алматы, 1999. 198 с.

Northern Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

© Aisagali Kadirov

Tupkaragan, Mangystau.

Rare vagrants for the region of Mangyshlak. Before this record two ones were known in Fort Shevchenko: in the end of the19th century. (Zarudny, 1896) and on December 13, 2009 (Kovshar, Karpov, 2009).

Зарудный Н.А. Орнитологическая фауна Закаспийского края (Северной Персии, Закаспийской области, Хивинского оазиса и равнинной Бухары)//Мат-лы к позн.фауны и флоры Рос.империи. Отд. зоол., вып. 2. 1896. С. 1-555. Ковшарь В.А., Карпов Ф.Ф. О зимней фауне птиц побережья Мангистау//Selevinia 2009. C. 133-142.

Northern Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

© Anna Yasko

Aktau, Mangystau

Rare vagrant for the region of Mangyshlak. This record of Northern Bullfinch is first for Aktau, before was recorded only in Fort-Shevchenko.

White's Thrush (Zoothera dauma varia)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Zailiyskiy Alatau, Almaty region

Rare record. 50 years ago only six records of vagrants were known for Kazakhstan (Gavrilov, 1970). Later, the breeding was established, and fledglings were recorded in the Zailiysky Alatau (Gavrilov, 1974) and in Kungei Alatau (Zhuyko, 1980). Nests not found in Kazakhstan until today. Now there are several spots in Zailiyskiy Alatau where it's possible to observe this cautious bird, but mostly just typical song could be hearable.

Гаврилов Э.И. Род земляной дрозд – Zoothera//Птицы Казахстана. т. 3. 1970, с. 456-458. Гаврилов Э.И. Нахождение земляного дрозда (Zoothera dauma Lath.) на гнездовье в Казахстане. Вестник зоологии № 1, 1974. с. 84-85. Жуйко Б.П. Земляной дрозд в Кунгей Алатау (Тянь-Шань), Орнитология, выпуск 15. 1980. с. 196.

Rustic Bunting (Emberiza rustica)

© Malik Nukusbekov


Rare vagrant. Near the point of observation, at the Chokpak ornithological station occasionally recorded on the autumn migration (Gavrilov, Gissov, 1985).

Гаврилов Э.И., Гисцов А.П. Сезонные перелеты птиц в предгорьях Западного Тянь-Шаня. Алма-ата, 1985: 223 с.

Red-flanked Bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus)

© Malik Nukusbekov


The first record of species for the region of Talas Alatau. The nearest records are known in the area of Zhuantobe village, South Kazakhstan region - October 10, 2012 (A.Vilyaev, www.birds.kz) and in the Almaty region, at Sorbulak ,on October 2, 2011 (V.Fedorenko, www.birds.kz) and in Alma -Ata - December 19, 2013 (A. Isabekov, www.birds.kz). All of these birds were photographed.

Vega (Mongolian) Gull (Larus (vegae) mongolicus)

© Natali Kim

VKO, Ust-Kamenogorsk

The second record of the Mongolian Gull in Kazakhstan. Previously juvenile bird was photographed 25th of October in Ust-Kamenogorsk (A.Feldman, www.birds.kz).

Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)

© Aktan Muhashov


The ninth and the latest record in the region of Mangyshlak. Before recorded: May 10, 1947 - Fort-Shevchenko (Dolgushin, 1948). September 8-16, 1964 – Shevchenko town (Kovshar, 1972). 2. May 17, 1990 – Karatau mountains (Kovshar AF, 1995). 3. August 9, 1989 - Aktau (Gubin, 2015). 4. May 15, 2009 (Gubin, 2015). 5. October 15, 2013 – The Beket-Ata mosque (C. Aleinikova, www.birds.kz). 6. October 23, 2014 – Kuryk village (Isabekov, 2014). 7. April 18, 2015 - Aktau (A. Yasko, www.birds.kz). 8. April 23, 2015 - Aktau (A. Yasko, www.birds.kz)

Долгушин И.А. О фауне птиц полуострова Мангышлак//Известия АН КазССР, №63, сер. Зоол., вып. 8, 1948. С. 131-160. Губин Б.М. Орнитофауна п-ова Мангышлак//Птицы пустынь Казахстана. Книга 1. Алматы 2015. С. 22-149. Исабеков А. Орнитологические наблюдения в Мангистау осенью и зимой 2014 года//Русский орнитологический журнал 2015, Том 24, Экспресс-выпуск 1092, 2015. С. 55-72. Ковшарь А.Ф. Черноголовая славка Sylvia atricapilla//Птицы Казахстана, Алма-Ата, Т. 4. 1972. С. 173-176. Ковшарь А.Ф. Пролет птиц через Устюрт и Мангышлак весной 1990 г.//Selevinia, 1995, т. 3, № 1. С. 56-62.

Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)

© Oleg Belyalov

Almaty region

Record of fledgling, indicating to the breeding of this species in a new point of the Northern Tian Shan located at 100 km to the east from the previously known breeding spots in the Trans-Ili Alatau. The juvenile Goshawk was recorded on the vicinity of Zhylysai by Moscow ornithologists E. Koblik and V. Ilyashenko; bird was photographed too. Apparently juvenile left the nest in the spruce groves of the nearest slope of the Kuuluktau Range, which are located near the village. For a long time it was considered the Goshawk does not breed in Tian Shan, but observed here only on migrating and wintering (Korelov, 1962). First brood was recorded in the Big Almaty gorge of the Trans-Ili Alatau in 1982 (Korelov, Pfander, 1983). Later broods were recorded in 1996 in the gorge of the Turgen river (Gubin, 2009), in the end of 1990s in the Kaskelen Gorge (O. Belyalov, oral report), and in recent years again in the Great Almaty Gorge (P. Pfander, oral report).

Губин Б.М. Встреча выводка тетеревятника в Заилийском Алатау//Казахстанский орнитологический бюллетень 2008. Алматы, 2009. С. 191. Корелов М.Н. Отряд хищные//Птицы Казахстана, т. 2. Алма-Ата, 1962. С. 488-707.Корелов М.Н., Пфандер П.В. О новом южном районе гнездования тетеревятника//Экология хищных птиц. М., 1983. С. 65.

Little Owl (Athene noctua noctua)

© Yuriy Malkov


Little owl (Athene noctua) June 16 - November 12, 2015 – Karabalyk village, Kostanay region (Yuri Malkov). The second breeding record of species in the northern part of Kazakhstan. Breeding point at 53˚00 N was confirmed by regularly photos of breeding birds. Recently, in 2009, the breeding was recorded in the North-Kazakhstan region at 55˚00 N. (Zuban et al., 2010). The new breeding spot was located at 500 km to west of the previous one. The breeding range of this species bypasses the central and northern regions of Kazakhstan in far to south, penetrating to the north only in mountain groups of the Kazakh Plateau. Previously considered the northern border of the distribution of the Little Owl is the 42˚00 N. in the mountains of Kotur-Kyzyltau where it was recorded by I.A. Dolgushin (Gavrin, 1962). In 1963 it was recorded more far to north in the mountains of Kyzyltau (50˚30 N), south of Bayanaul (Cheltsov-Bebutov, 1978). The closest breeding spots of Little Owl in Western Siberia are the areas of the Altaisky Krai, in the similar latitude of this record (Ryabitsev, 2014).

Брагин Е.А., Брагина Т.М. Фауна Наурзумского заповедника. Костанай, 2002. 60 с. Гаврин В.Ф. Отряд совы//Птицы Казахстана, Алма-Ата, т. 2. 1962. С. 708-779. Зубань И.А., Красников А.В., Губин С.В., Гайдин С.Г. Авифаунистические наблюдения и находки в Северо-Казахстанской области//Материалы к распространению птиц на Урале, в Приуралье и Западной Сибири. Вып. 15 Екатеринбург. 2010, С. 43-74. Рябицев В.К. Птицы Сибири. Москва-Екатеринбург, т. 2. 2014. 452 с. Чельцов-Бебутов А.М. Заметки о населении и фауне птиц мало исследованных районов Северного Казахстана//Биол. птиц в Казахстане. Алма-Ата, 1978. С. 120-126.

Western Tundra Bean Goose (Anser fabalis rossicus)

© Anna Yasko

Aktau, Karakol

The first confirmed by photo record of the species for the region of Mangyshlak.

Asian Short-toed Lark (Calandrella cheleensis leucophaea)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Sorbulak lake, Almaty region

The second photo registration of the species in Sorbulak. Two birds were photographed at the same place, where one bird was observed previously on October 25, 2014 (A. Kovalenko, V. Fedorenko, www.birds.kz). Beafore this records two birds were shot on Sorbulak on November 22, 1978 by Gavrilov E.I . This birds collected in the Institute of Zoology in Alma-Ata; there are 35 specimen in total, 31of them are from the valley of the Ili River and the immediate vicinity, and by one of the lower reaches of the Chu and Syrdarya rivers (Belyalov, 2004). Recent years this Lark almost disappeared from the field of view of ornithologists. Should be noted the taxonomic status of the species still raises doubts, since its range is formed by the isolated patches within the huge range of the Lesser Short-toed Lark (Calandrella rufescens), which is strange case even for subspecies. Perhaps V.L. Bianki was right when found the Asian Short-toed Lark is only a color variation of the Lesser Short-toed Lark, does not have a special area of ​​distribution, and is confined to the special type of landscape as salt march (Bianki, 1905).

Белялов О.В. Что мы знаем о солончаковом жаворонке?//Казахстанский орнитологический бюллетень 2003. Алматы, 2004. С. 178-179. Бианки В.Л. Птицы//Научные результаты путешествий Н.М. Пржевальского по Центральной Азии. Отд.зоол. Т.2. Вып.4, СПб. 1905. С.192-196.

Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa)

© Miphail Kalashnikov

village Lebazie, SKO

The first photo record of the species in the site from the Northern Kazakhstan. There was, until recently, officially considered the Great Grey Owl in Kazakhstan occurs only in Altai, where it breeds. However, according to Ivan Zuban and Oleg Lyakhov, in the museums of Pavlodar and North-Kazakhstan regions there are stuffed Great Grey Owls, shot in 1966 (in the North Kazakhstan region) and in the early 1980s (in the Pavlodar region).

Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus)

© Alexandr Fedulin


Very long distance record from the known breeding spots. About 80 birds were observed. Recent years several vagrants have been recorded in Kurgaldzhino (Koshkin A.V., 2002, 2003, 2007).

Кошкин А.В. Дополнения к фауне птиц Кургальджинского заповедника//Selevinia, 2002. С. 127-130. Кошкин А.В. Новое в орнитофауне Коргалжынского заповедника // Русский орнитологический журнал 2003, Том 12, Экспресс-выпуск 240. С. 1175-1177. Кошкин А.В. Фауна Коргальджинского заповедника. Астана, 2007. 61 с.

Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)

© Alexandr Fedulin


Rare vagrant species in Kurgaldzhino. Before this record there were single birds and flocks in the spring. (Andrusenko N, Khrokov V, 1981, Koshkin A, 2007).

Андрусенко Н.Н., Хроков В.В. Новая информация о птицах Коргалжынского заповедника // Орнитология, 17. 155. Кошкин А.В. Фауна Коргальджинского заповедника. Астана, 2007. 61 с.

White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

© Valeriy Gryunberg

Dunga. p Mangystau.

Rare vagrant in Mangyshlak, and in the whole territory of the western part of Kazakhstan. The closest breeding spots of White Stork are in Dagestan (300 km from the record point) and in Iran, in the southern coast of the Caspian Sea (850 km). Occasionally nesting attempts were noted in the southeast of Turkmenistan (Belousov, 1990). In both cases we are talking about birds of European subspecies. The nearest breeding ranges of Turkestan White Stork (Ciconia ciconia asiatica) are in Khorezm (800 km from the record point), Bukhara and Samarkand oases.

«Птицы России и сопредельных регионов: Пеликанообразные, Аистообразные, Фламингообразные» Москва, 2011. Крaсная книга республики Узбекистан, 2004.

Pallid Scops Owl (Otus brucei)

© Zhaskairat Ermek


The first record of this species for the region of Mangyshlak. The nearest known breeding spots for Striated Scops-Owl are located in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya (Gavrin, 1962) and on the southern cliff of Ustyurt (Stepanyan, 2003). Based on the date of the record it's possible to assume the nesting of Striated Scops-Owl in the territory of Zhanaozen city.

Гаврин В.Ф. Отряд Совы // Птицы Казахстана. Т.2. Алма-Ата, 1962. С.708-779. Степанян Л.С. Конспект орнитологической фауны России и сопредельных территорий. Москва, 2003. 806 с.

Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana)

© Anna Yasko

Aktau, Mangystau

The first photo record of this species from the region of Mangyshlak. Migration through the peninsula Mangyshlak is known, but due to caution and a secretive style of life of this bird it's rarely recorded (Gubin, 2015).

Губин Б.М. Орнитофауна п-ова Мангышлак // Птицы пустынь Казахстана. Часть 1. Алматы, 2015. C. 22-149.

Shikra (Accipiter badius)

© Anna Yasko

Aktau, Mangystau

The nesting of Shikra in the park of Aktau city was confirmed. On May 16, the adult bird was photographed in the nest, and on July 19 - three fully fledged chicks too. Breeding spots are known in the Western Kopetdag, at 500 km to the south (Stepanyan, 2003); and in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya, at 800 km to the north-east (Gavrilov, 1999) from the place of the new record.

Гаврилов Э.И. Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана. Алматы, 1999. 198 с. Степанян Л.С. Конспект орнитологической фауны России и сопредельных территорий. Москва, 2003. 806 с.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)

© Alexandr Katuncev

Алматы sorbulakskaj sistema ozer

The rare vagrant, which is the 11th for Kazakhstan. Most of the records are related to the Sorbulak lake (Erokhov et al., 1978; Khrokov et al., 1980; Belyalov, Karpov, 2012), the last of which occurred on August 11, 2013, when the single bird was also photographed (Dyakin, Isabekov, 2013). It was also noted in Alakol lake in 1981 and 1989. (Khrokov et al, 1993).

Белялов О.В., Карпов Ф.Ф. Птицы Сорбулакской системы озёр (Алматинская обл.)//Selevinia, 2012. С. 82-108. Дякин Г.Ю., Исабеков А.А. www.birds.kz Ерохов С.Н., Гаврилов Э.И., Хроков В.В. Новые находки куликов на юго-востоке Казахстана//Изв. АН КазССР, 1978, сер. биол., № 6. С. 22-24. Хроков В.В., Гаврилов Э.И., Ерохов С.Н. Песочник-красношейка – новый вид в фауне птиц Казахстана//Изв. АН КазССР, 1980, сер. биол., № 3. С. 82-83. Хроков В.В., Ерохов С.Н., Лопатин В.В., Гаврилов Э.И., Гаврилов А.Э., Карпов Ф.Ф. Орнитологические находки в Алакольской котловине. //Фауна и биология птиц Казахстана. Алматы, 1993. С. 194-196.

Broad-billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)

© Alexandr Belyaev

Almatinskaja obl. Sorbulakskaja sistema ozer

Rare record for the plain Semirechie region. The last time was recorded at Sorbulak on August 26, 2001 (Belyalov, Karpov, 2012). In the initial period of the Sorbulak reservoir forming the Broad-billed Sandpiper was quite common on migration, according to A.E. Gavrilov for the period of stationary works in 1981-1986 250 birds were caught (Belyalov, 2013). However, for more than ten years, despite to regular observations, it didn't record here. Records of this species are also known in the Alakol depression (Gavrilov et al., 1990, 1994).

Белялов О.В. Новые данные по птицам Сорбулакской системы озёр (Алматинская область) // Selevinia, 2013, Том 21. С. 102-106. Белялов О.В., Карпов Ф.Ф. Птицы Сорбулакской системы озёр (Алматинская область) // Selevinia, 2012, Том 20. С. 82-108. Гаврилов Э.И., Гаврилов А.Э., Ерохов С.Н., Хроков В.В. Осенняя миграция грязовика в Казахстане//Миграции птиц в Азии. Ашхабад, 1990. С. 137-145. Гаврилов Э.И., Ерохов С.Н., Хроков В.В., Карпов Ф.Ф. Осенний пролет куликов на озере Алаколь (Алакольская котловина)//Орнитология, вып. 26. М., 1994. С. 153-157.

Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor)

© Steve Klasan

NE Bay of Maly Tengiz

New species for Kazakhstan. Two adult birds were observed in the NE bay of Tengiz lake together with Greater Flamingo. 10 of September these birds were recorded by R.Urazaliev too. Afterwards, Ruslan Urazaliev watching the video shot by Alena Shmalenko (Koshkina) of June 14, 2009 in a large number of Greater Flamingos found a bird, whose size and coloring did not leave any doubts that it was a Lesser Flamingo. Thus, the record in 2009 became the first documented evidence. This is third record for all former USSR area. The first record of Lesser Flamingo was at 3rd of August 2007 in Limanskoe, Odesskaya oblast, Ukraine (Rednikov K.A.). The main breeding range of this species is located in eastern regions of Equatorial Africa in the salt lakes of Kenia and Tanzania. Also there are some colonies in the coast of Persian Gulf, and in Sambhar lake in Indian state Radjastan. The closest breeding spots are located at 3500 km to south from the record in Kazakhstan. It’s interesting that this species mostly feeds the Cyanobacteria and Diatom plants, unlike of breeding in Tengiz lake Greater Flamongo (Phoenicopterus roseus) which feeds mostly by Artemia salina.
Уразалиев Р.С. Малый фламинго Phoenicopterus minor Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1798 - новый вид в фауне Казахстана // Орнитологический вестник Казахстана и Средней Азии. Вып. 4. Алматы: МОО - СОПК, 2017. С. 311.

Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus)

© Fedor Karpov

Eastern Caspian Sea. 70 km to north-west from Buzachi peninsula.

Rare vagrant and the first photo record of this species for Kazakhstan. Known only a few records of this Gull: several birds were recorded in May and July of 1951 and 1952 in Bautino and Mangistau islands (Gladkov, Zaletayev, 1956); July 12, 1968 in the Sorkol lake, WKO (Lindeman et al., 2005), also in the Sorkol this Gull was recorded in 1996 (Davygora, "Материалы к распространению птиц на Урале, в Приуралье и Западной Сибири", 1998); in July 24, 1999, two birds recorded at Zhanybek-Shalkar lake (Koshkin, 2002); and in May 13, 2009, one adult bird was recorded at the Kenderli Resort (Le Neve et al., 2010).

Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides)

© Yuriy Malkov


The third vagrant in Kostanay region. The nearest vagrants are known for the Aksuat lake (Naurzum), where on May 29, 1980, the male was recorded and shot (Gordienko, 1991); and in August 17, 2000 on the Kamysh-Ayat river between Rudnyi and Kartaly (Russia) the adult single bird recorded (Berezovikov, Erokhov, 2004).

Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)

© Alexandr Belyaev

Almatinskaja obl. okrest. g. Taldykorgana

For the first time the nesting of the Ibisbill in the Karatal river is confirmed by the finding of the nest. Earlier, on August 8, 2013 here the already grown up juvenile bird together with adults was recorded (Belyaev, Berezovikov, 2013).

Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix)

© Anna Yasko


The first time the nesting locating at almost 400 km to the south of the known species distribution boundary, which passes at approximately 47˚00 N lat. on the northern coast of the Caspian Sea (Gavrilov, 1999) and 46˚30 in the Northern Priaralye (Warshavskyi, 1965), was found.

Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator)

© Anna Yasko


New species for Kazakhstan. Recorded bird is related to L.s.niloticus subspecies. Closest breeding spots are located in the south and west coast of Caspian Sea. Isolated populations found in Baku vicinity (40˚25΄N, Panov, 2008) and Dagestan (43˚00΄N, Bukreev, Dzhamirzoev), in the almost same latitude with Aktau (43˚40΄N). The closest record in the east coast of caspian Sea is record of couple in Turkmenistan, Kurendag mountains (Mischenko, Scherbak, 1980), about 400 to south from Aktau. This vagrant bird could indicate to the extending of breeding range, which probably present in the west coast of Caspian Sea.

Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Sorbulak lake, Almaty region

The third record of species in Sorbulak. "In reality Bar-tailed Godwit in the Semirechye is probably just an occasional and extremely rare visitor, and gets here only getting lost during migration" wrote by V.N Shnitnikov in the book. "Birds of the Semirechie", 1949, p. 151. Shnitnikov knew one specimen from Issyk-Kul from the collections of Almashi in 1900. At the time of the publication of the second part of "Birds of Kazakhstan" in 1962, where the essays about waders were written by I.A. Dolgushin, there were no data for the southern, southeastern and eastern regions. In Sorbulak one bird was ringed during the study of migrations in 1970-80. (Ring Center database). The second case was in July 21, 2008, the young bird was found dead of poisoning by the toxins of blue-green algae (Karpov, Belyalov, 2008). Another record occurred on August 4, 2004 at the Teke reservoir in the Kazakhstan part of the Central Tien Shan.

Березовиков H.H., Винокуров А.А., Белялов О.В. Птицы горных долин Центрального и Северного Тянь-Шаня // Tethys ornithological research. Almaty, 1, 2005. С. 19-130.

Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Sorbulak lake, Almaty region

The second vagrant bird in Almaty region (earlier shot by Y. Grachev in Ili river) and the eighth record in whole Kazakhstan territory.

Godlewski's Bunting (Emberiza godlewskii godlewskii)

© Vladimir Vorobyov

VKO Katon-Karagay

That is the first photo of the bird of nominee subspecies of Godlewski’s Bunting made in the territory of Kazakhstan. The records of February 1978 were known in the upper reaches of Bukhtarma in the Kalmachikha and Krutoyarka rivers, where B.V Shcherbakov shot one male bird; and of March 1998 at the foot of the Ivanovo range on the Gray meadow, where Y.A. Kotukhov caught three male birds (Berezovikov, Rubinich, 2001).

Rustic Bunting (Emberiza rustica)

© Alexandr Belyaev

Almatinskaja obl. okrest. g. Taldykorgana r. Karatal

This is the first photo of the species made in Kazakhstan in winter. The nearest place where several December and January records are known is the surroundings of Alma-Ata (Kuzmina, 1974). Birds were recorded more than 50 years ago in very little snow-covered and warm winters.

Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus)

© Alexandr Belyaev

Almatinskaja obl. okrest. g. Taldykorgana r. Karatal

The first winter record of the species in Semirechye, confirmed by photography. According to data by Dolgushin the single Jack Snipes stay in winter time near the unfrozen springs in Almaty region, but not every year. In recent decades information about wintering is known only for Karachingil in the lower reaches of the Turgen river, where in December 2006 it was seen by I.A. Bevza (2011).

Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

© Alexandr Katuncev

Актау 43км

The first record of the species in the region of Mangysjlak confirmed by photography. Before this record only the winter one at the end of the 19th century from the area of Fort Shevchenko (Zarudny, 1896) was known.

Steppe Greater Short-toed Lark (Calandrella brachydactyla longipennis)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Kanshengel village, Almaty region

The second winter record in Kazakhstan. The first one was on December 11, 1972, when male was shot near Berezovka village(VKO) (Berezovikov et al., 2007).

Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

© Askar Isabekov

Сорбулак. Almaty oblast.

The third record of the species at the end of December in the South-East of Kazakhstan. The first was recorded on Sorbulak in 1998, and the second one was in 2007 at the Alakol hollow (Berezovikov, 2008).

Desert Wheatear (Oenanthe deserti)

© Vassiliy Fedorenko

Kanshengel village, Almaty region

The first record of this species in Kazakhstan in winter time.

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unidentified birds


Никита Канунников: Кеклик, тут без вариантов.


Андрей Коваленко: Зяблик.


Андрей Коваленко: Степной орел.


Андрей Коваленко: Горный.


Галина Розенберг: Чибис..


Анна Ясько: На мой взгляд, для курганника, действительно, недостаточно рыжий. Окрас хвоста (сверху) тоже сомнителен для обыкновенного курганника. При [....]

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