

Pied Flycatcher

Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica (Chachlov, 1915)

Мухоловка-пеструшка | Теңбіл шыбыншы
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2012-05-03 = 2015-05-01

2015-05-01 | SKO, Petropavlovsk | Stanislav Gubin | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2014-05-07 | | Andrey Krasnikov | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2014-04-28 | Karamendy vill., Naurzum reg., Kostanay obl | Alexey Timoshenko | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2013-08-15 | korgalzhin | Aleksey Koshkin | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2013-05-03 | Karamendy vill, Naurzum reg, Kostanay oblast | Alexey Timoshenko | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2013-05-03 | Karamendy vill, Naurzum reg, Kostanay oblast | Alexey Timoshenko | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2013-04-29 | Batpakkol lake, Kamysty reg, Kostanay oblast | Alexey Timoshenko | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica

2012-05-03 | Zholzhary, Kamysty reg, Kostanay oblast | Alexey Timoshenko | Ficedula hypoleuca sibirica


relative taxons

Ficedula hypoleuca
(Pallas, 1764)
Ficedula hypoleuca hypoleuca
(Pallas, 1764)


Ficedula hypoleuca tomensis
(Hermann Johansen, 1916)

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unidentified birds


Никита Канунников: Кеклик, тут без вариантов.


Андрей Коваленко: Зяблик.


Андрей Коваленко: Степной орел.

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